Poker Halal Or Haram

- Assalam o AlaikumI am a 22 year Shia living in Pakistan. I am in my last year of my bachelors and in the taqleed of Ayatullah Sayeed Al Hakim.2 years ago I started a freelance content writing business. My services include writing articles, web content, white papers, academic papers, dissertations.
- For many Sikhs (and in some small Sikh sects, e.g. Akhand Kirtani Jatha) eating any meat cooked by Jews (i.e., kosher) and Muslims (i.e., halal) is believed to be forbidden, this is a universally held belief. Extramarital sexual relations: Adultery is prohibited; Sikhs are not allowed to cheat on their spouse.
- Islam - Fiqh of Food - Halal & Haram 1. Simply because it is the Devine Decree and abeliever abides by it with/without theunderstanding of the wisdom/reason behind it.This is the Faith and/or the test of the Faith. It is sometimes explained in the Devine Decree found in the knowledge of the time eventually found.
Praise be to Allah.
Poker Halal Ou Haram

Jelas itu perbuatan haram, sangat keras haramnya. Beliau melanjutkan, Jika permainan kartu dilakukan tabpa taruhan, hukumnya juga haram, karena permainan ini menyia-nyiakan waktu manusia, dan terkadang sampai bergadang untuk menyelesaikan permainan ini, meninggalkan shalat subuh berjamaah atau bahwa tidak shalat subuh pada waktunya.
Poker Halal Or Haram Terrorist
The Standing Committee was asked about playing cardsif that does not distract people from prayer and there is no money involved.They answered:
Playing cards is not permitted, even if there is no moneyinvolved, because the problem with that is that it distracts peoplefrom remembering Allaah (dhikr) and from prayer. Even if they claimthat this is not the case, then it is still a means that may lead togambling which is expressly forbidden in the Qur’aan. Allaah says (interpretationof the meaning):
“Intoxicants(all kinds of alcoholic drinks), and gambling, and Al-Ansaab (stonealtars for sacrifices to false gods) and Al-Azlaam (arrows forseeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaytaan’s (Satan’s)handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order thatyou may be successful”
[al-Maa’idah 5:90]
These cards have an effect on society, for the bondsof a strong society are achieved by means of two things: following thecommands of Allaah and heeding His prohibitions. A society disintegrateswhen it neglects any of those duties or does any of those things thatare forbidden. These cards form one of the factors which have an effecton society. They cause people to neglect prayer in congregation, andthey generate alienation, breaking of ties, hatred and negligence throughthe committing of haraam actions, and they make people too lazy to earna living.
Fataawa Islamiyyah, 4/436
Withregard to the history of these playing cards: No one really knows whoinvented playing cards or when or where they were invented. It has beensaid that they are of Chinese or Indian origin, or otherwise. But historiansare agreed that they came to Europe from the Middle East in the latterpart of the Middle Ages. Experts also say that there is agreement thatplaying cards have clearly evolved from that time until now.
Playing cards made their first appearance in Europe inAndalusia, and were brought to northern Spain in the eleventh centuryCE.

The traditional deck of cards in Spain consisted of 40cards, including the numbers 1 to 7, plus three characters, the highestof which was the “ruler”, followed by the “deputy”, then the “scribe”or “knight.”
In the sixteenth century, the French changed the cards,replacing the “ruler” with the king, the “deputy” with the queen, andthe “knight” with the jack. They also added three new numbers, so thatthe deck now consisted of 52 cards. In the seventeenth century, theGermans added a fourth character, the joker.
We have quoted above the fatwa on playing with thesecards. It may also be added that playing cards is devoid of any of thegoals of recreational activities as required in Islam; it does not teachany skill that is needed for jihad or any useful knowledge or bringany social benefit or relaxation that will calm the nerves. Rather itis a game that has nothing good in it; it causes arguments and simplykills time. It is based on speculation and chance, and it is like playingwith dice, in that it leads to disputes and fighting, and it is likealcohol and gambling.
Based on the above, it would not be farfetched to suggestthat it is haraam rather than makrooh, by analogy with dice, becauseboth are based on chance and both lead to arguments.
Poker Halal Or Haram Insurgency

The same view was favoured by Shaykh Ibn Hajar al-Haythami,and it is the view of our contemporary scholars, and of Shaykh Muhammadibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen among the fuqaha’ of al-Najd, who transmittedit from his shaykhs. This is based on the fact that it leads to enmityand hatred, and because it is a great waste of time and it distractspeople from remembering Allaah (dhikr) and keeps them from worshippingand obeying Him.

This view is further supported by the fact that one ofthe French kings issued orders banning people from playing cards duringthe day, and stating that everyone who went against this order was tobe arrested and punished. That was because the French people loved playingcards too much, to such an extent that they were neglecting their workin order to play cards. The punishment dictated by this French kingwas not just a brief imprisonment, he also added a severe beating asa deterrent to others.
Yetdespite these decrees and others, he did not succeed in uprooting thehabit of playing cards; the only result was that the people startedto play in secret rather than openly.
From Qadaaya al-Lahw wa’l-Tarfeeh by Maadoon Rasheed, p. 185-187.